
In my opinion, mankind’s greatest achievement is animation. And there’s no better example of this than Looney Tunes. These define comedy, great music, and charm. And there are so many to watch. So I have taken it upon myself to not only watch every one for you, but write up a summary as well. (So you can see how someone who really knows these cartoons feels about them.) Please be aware that when I say every one, I mean it. That includes shorts that are products of their time and may be considered inappropriate today. Looney Tunes are never going to die. They have established themselves as immortal and I look forward to sharing them with all of you. Enjoy, and remember: it CAN happen here!

As far as you know, I’m a doctor. Call me Dr. Foolio. And I have the cure for what ails you! Laughter is said to be the best medicine, and there is no quicker way to get some comedy than via animation. Not sure how much of a dose you need? Fear not! I’ll be grading each cartoon that I blog about on a scale of one to five. Here are what the ratings mean:

1: Are you are really into the subject material, or just want to say you’ve seen them all? If you answered no to either of those, then it’d probably be best if you skip the ones with this mark.

2: Well, skipping these ones also probably wouldn’t hurt, but I’d say there’s at least one good joke, or beautifully animated sequence in these. Better give the post a read, and decide for yourself.

3: All around entertaining. Probably what most people would picture upon hearing they are about to watch some classic cartoons. You won’t ruin your life by skipping these ones, but you also wouldn’t improve it any.

4: About as great as you can get. Want to get someone even more invested in Looney Tunes? These are what you show them. It might just convert them from “likers” to “lovers”. (Who could hate Looney Tunes? No, really. Who? I will hunt them down!)

5: Animated perfection. If you never witnessed these in your life, then you wasted your time on Earth. Don’t let such a fate befall you. (I don’t hand this judgement out lightly. Only the crop’s cream will earn such a prestigious rank.)