High Diving Hare

“I hate you.”

Here’s a wonderful cartoon. I say that about every Looney Tune but the beauty of this one is the fact there is only one gag. At a carnival house Bugs informs the audience that fearless Freep the high diver will be unable to perform. Sam is angered at this and tries to force bugs into diving, as expected though, bugs tricks Sam into doing it each time.

If I had to point out a flaw in this short, it would be that as Bugs and Sam climb the ladder the first time, they end up on the other side at one point. I guess that was so we could see them better, but it sill bothers me. My favorite part though is when Sam finds Bugs has constructed a door to keep Sam from pushing him off and Sam yells “Open up that door!” then he turns to the camera and adds “You notice I didn’t say Richard?” (“Open the door Richard” was a popular song at the time)

Personal Rating: 4

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