A Pest in the House

“Poor fella. Sthure is sthleepy.”

There is a labor shortage, and this means anyone will be hired. And that includes Daffy. At Elmer’s hotel a guest is checking into Suite 666. There’s just one thing to keep in mind. This man (voiced by Arthur Q. Bryan; Fudd’s voice actor; speaking in his regular voice) has quite the temper. He’s tired and demands peace and quiet. If he’s disturbed, he’ll pound Elmer. (A-hole. You paid to stay here. If it’s not comfortable enough, leave) Bellhop Daffy loads the guest up with his own luggage, and leads him to his room. All the way, yelling about how much peace they have. He then picks through the keys one by one as the man (who I’m naming Duffy) strains. Daffy finds the right key and if you pay attention, you’ll see the door was already unlocked. Inside, he tells Duffy to just drop the bags and gives him a tip. Only outside does he remember HE’S the guest. He angrily storms in to find Daffy trying on his clothes. (It’s not disturbing him while he’s sleeping, so Elmer wouldn’t be hurt in this case) But he calms down as he see’s the bed inviting him to rest awhile. He leaps in and Daffy takes his leave. But he is considerate enough to nail a “Do not disturb sign” on the door as loudly as possible. Elmer is punched. (In tune to “Pop goes the Weasel”) Later Daffy feels the room could use some fresh air and opens a window. The sound of traffic has Duffy leaping out of bed. (And getting a mild case of white ear.) To add to his problems, some drunk has starting loudly singing in the next door room. Daffy assures him, he’ll take care of it. Daffy gets drunk and joins in. Elmer is punched. Later Daffy is cleaning a window. There’s a speck on it though. (I hate when these kind of things happen) He tries scratching it off which continues to disturb his exhausted guess. (He punches Elmer through the phone this time) Some time later, Daffy hears a great joke and just has to tell it to somebody. He chooses Duffy. (I love his face as he sits up in bed. That’s the same face I wore many times in High School.) While Daffy continues to try and spit out the humor while still laughing, Duffy goes to hit Fudd again. Even Elmer’s knight helmet doesn’t protect him and Duffy goes back to his room to find Daffy finishing the joke. Too bad he forgot the punchline. (At least Duffy can supply plenty if needed) Daffy then feels the room is too cold and tries to turn the heat up. Fudd, not wanting to be hit again, muffles the radiator with pillows. It still whistles though and it looks like he’ll be punched again. But he removes the whistling part and hides it under the pillows. Safe right? Not quite. Daffy heard the whistle and busts in yelling and berating his boss for disturbing their guest.  Duffy wakes and Elmer flees for his life. He’s got a plan though. He makes it to the front desk and rings for Daffy. (Who is obviously practicing his ventriloquism. I didn’t see his beak move) Elmer is promoting him to manager and takes his place as the bellhop. Duffy arrives and makes straight for the manager. He still ends up punching Elmer in the face. (A-hole.)

Personal Rating: 4

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