The Stork

From what I’ve heard, having a baby is a most joyous occasion. I don’t get it. Maybe in the past when the human race was kept more in check, it would be worth getting excited over, but nowadays? I think any mother is just looking for an excuse to be able to drink again. Drinking is where this guy comes in.

This character doesn’t really have a name. He’s just a supporting character too. But he meets my five appearance rule. (Probably the last one of these character posts too. I’m sure you’re relieved.) This guy’s shtick is very simple: he’s a stork, so he delivers babies. The parents are so happy that they get out the champagne. Since the stork did most of the work, he’s invited to partake as well. And as I’ve stated, there’s no shortage of births on a daily basis. So our friend here drinks. And drinks. And drinks. And drinks. And drinks. And…

Yeah, not really a whole lot of story potential there. I think keeping him as a punchline was the right way to go. I do like that he’s not a bad guy despite his bad habits. He clearly wants the best for the babies he’s giving away, and does his best to get them to where they belong, regardless of his blood alcohol. He makes mistakes, but everyone does, and he often goes out of his way to fix things once he’s been found out. (Which leads to him making another one.)

For those of you who have visited this place before, (And I know there are of some you who do. It’s nothing to be ashamed about.) You may recall that I had decided this character was to be named “Tipsy.” I changed my mind to work the alliteration angle, instead. From now on, he’s Stupor Stork! You’re free to refer to him however you want. I’m too polite to tell you your names aren’t as clever.

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