Knight-Mare Hare

“Surrender varlet! Thou art the prisoner of m’lance!”

Directed by Chuck Jones

While drying his ears, Bugs is reading a book about Knights and Gallantry. All of a sudden, an apple falls on his head. The scenery changes and suddenly Bugs is in the middle ages. He immediately runs into a knight. (Look at his horse, it’s like DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUHHHHHH!) Said knight, has never heard of Bug’s friends. (Including Cab of Calloway and Satchmo of Armstrong) Angered, Bugs is willing to challenge him to a duel. The sword he is given is too heavy and the knight is getting closer. Bug’s blindfolds himself and wins by tripping the horse, sending the knight into a tower.

Next, a huge dragon appears. It seems really happy to breathe fire and tries to make roast rabbit. Bugs subdues him with a seltzer bottle and the dragon scampers off. Looking around, Bugs enters a wizard’s lair. His name is Merlin of Monroe. (That’s a great joke.) He demonstrates his magic prowess by turning Bugs into a pig. (I love pigs!) Bugs simply unzips the skin and challenges Merlin (who looks like a cross between Witch Hazel and Mugsy,) to click his thumb like a lighter. Angered at Bugs making a mockery of his spells, he tries but can’t seem to do it. This gives Bugs a chance to use magic powder to turn Merlin into an equine. (I can’t pinpoint what type.)

Seeing an apple, Bugs throws it on his head and wouldn’t you know it? It works and he goes back home. Relived to be back he spies an equine (Horse? Donkey? Mule? Hinny? I have no idea!) with Merlin’s hat. He shakes it off as a coincidence. Until he hears it’s name IS Merlin! What a twist! (Now that I’ve said that, I’m prominent online.)

Personal Rating:3

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